Gone West

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Eco friendly houses: Why you should make the move

By |2022-07-19T18:12:58+00:00October 6, 2021|Gone West, Life Hacks & Climate Action|

We’re living in a world that needs our help to survive. Our habits are unsustainable and they are damaging our planet, but we know that. The climate crisis has opened our eyes and we know that there won’t be a world to live in if we don’t make a change. We must live alongside nature instead of exploiting it, and we need to change how we live and what we consume. Luckily, there [...]

Seed Gathering Season 2021

By |2022-07-19T18:15:53+00:00September 30, 2021|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

The nature on our doorstep is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s beautiful to look at, helps put our minds at ease when we’re immersed in it, and is a free ladar waiting to be explored. As a society, we have lost touch with what our ancestors needed to survive. We go from supermarket to shop, consuming food that was imported for Spain or Greece, completely ignoring the food we can see [...]

11 Inspirational Activists To Follow Who Are Helping Change Our World!

By |2022-07-19T18:12:58+00:00September 22, 2021|Gone West, Life Hacks & Climate Action|

Climate change is the biggest threat facing our world’s future generations, which I'm sure you have seen in the news. They talk about how dire of a state our planet is in and the threat we are facing. Simultaneously,  around the world,  there are many inspiring people who are aiming to help tackle our current climate crisis. Not only do they aim to do this themselves, but they mobilise hundreds of thousands of [...]

National Small Business Week

By |2022-07-19T18:15:53+00:00September 14, 2021|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

National Small Business Week is a tradition that spans over 50 years. It gives us the opportunity to celebrate small businesses and the contributions they’ve made towards local communities and the national economy. A small business is classed as a business which runs with up to 49 employees. You probably didn't know this, but at the start of 2020, there were 5.94 million small businesses. This makes up 99.3% of the total business [...]

Investing in Gone West is an investment in the future of our planet

By |2022-07-19T18:14:26+00:00September 8, 2021|Gone West, Gone West Stories|

There is no doubt about it that the Earth is in a crisis. Our planet faces daily problems  such as air pollution, increased warming, dying species,  increased plastic consumption,  shrinking coasts , plastic pollution, sea-level increase, among many other threats. Every three seconds, the world loses enough forest to cover a football pitch and there is the growing popularity of the need to be more environmentally conscious and friendly. But that's not enough [...]

Amazon Rainforest Day

By |2022-07-19T18:15:53+00:00September 2, 2021|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

Amazon Day is finally here - no, not that Amazon, the Amazon Rainforest.  Did you know? When you search  ‘Amazon Day’ on the internet, you are greeted with article after article discussing Amazon Prime Day at amazon.com. This is the day where thousands of things on amazon are discounted, and in the United States alone, the company received $5.6 billion dollars in sales - a 6.1% increase from the normal daily total. The irony [...]

13 Ways To Go Green At School

By |2022-07-19T18:12:58+00:00August 26, 2021|Gone West, Life Hacks & Climate Action|

Summer holidays are coming to an end and it's time to trawl through shops for what feels like eternity, fighting your way through crowds of people, buying things that you’ll only have to replace in a few months. What if we told you it doesn’t have to be this way? It doesn’t have to be spending days going from shop to shop. You don’t have to break the bank, and you certainly don’t [...]

5 Nature Documentaries To Watch

By |2022-07-19T18:12:58+00:00August 17, 2021|Gone West, Life Hacks & Climate Action|

What better way to wind down this summer than to watch a gripping nature based documentary. We have a perfect list below, which will keep you entertained for a few hours on a rainy day, when you can't get out to explore nature outside. Not only are some of these enjoyable to watch, they are really informative and can help bring to light a lot of the current struggles our world is facing. [...]

The Complete British Nature Guide

By |2022-07-19T18:12:58+00:00August 11, 2021|Gone West, Life Hacks & Climate Action|

We must respect nature if we are to survive. We firmly believe that the vast majority of people who want to visit the great outdoors just want to have a good time, and enjoy the serenity of the outdoors and wildlife, without harming nature or spoiling the adventure for others. However, some people can be blind to the rules and code of conduct that should occur when outdoors in places such as forests, [...]

Gone West x Spokesafe

By |2022-07-19T18:14:26+00:00August 4, 2021|Gone West, Gone West Stories|

Here at Gone West we are continually looking to expand our horizons and help better our world's forests like any other business, in order to reach our goals we need to be constantly generating new ideas and projects, and one way in  which we do this is by collaborating with businesses who have similar ethos and visions of making our planet more sustainable.  By collaborating with businesses we are able to grow more [...]


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