
Scotland: It’s All Good Up North at The Findhorn Foundation

By |2022-07-19T18:23:07+00:00May 28, 2019|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

IT'S ALL GOOD UP NORTH....... "THE FINDHORN FOUNDATION IS A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY,ECO-VILLAGE AND AN INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR HOLISTIC LEARNING,HELPING TO UNFOLD A NEW HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AND CREATE A POSITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE." PHOTO: ALESSANDRO CECARELLI Reading through the Find horn foundation website i found myself extremely interested in this seemingly abstract place. In terms of it's remote location along the hardy north east coast of Scotland it didn't seem like the typical location [...]

Norway: The Land of the Midnight Sun

By |2022-07-19T18:22:38+00:00May 28, 2019|Gone West, Travel|

FROM THE HIGHLY GLACIATED AREAS OF THE FJORDS ON THE WEST COAST OR THE HIGH MOUNTAIN PLATEAUS INLAND, TO THE SOUTHERN SANDY BEACHES AND FROZEN PLAINS OF THE FAR NORTH, Norway is a land with an incredibly varied and unique natural environment. The country has a very elongated shape, stretching from 58 degrees North to 71 degrees South. This large variation in latitudes is the main reason for the large difference in climate [...]

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