Gone West

The Solid Wood Flooring Company

By |2022-07-19T18:18:35+00:00January 14, 2021|Gone West, Gone West Stories|

There is no business on a dead planet. We are thankful to be working with conscious businesses out there that realize their impact on the environment and want to give back. One of them is The Solid Wood Flooring Company which produces high-quality hardwood floors and brings a bit of outdoors inside. 

Bring back the ‘Tree Army’

By |2022-07-19T18:20:31+00:00May 23, 2020|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

I joined Americorps when I was 18 years old. Fresh out of highschool and hungry as hell for some adventure. The idea of traveling around the country doing community service with a team of strangers seemed to fit the bill. Naturally I got way more than I bargained for - an adventure that's lasted over 10 years now. Instead of going off to join the ranks of academics I found myself helping rebuild [...]

Who are the True Victims of Covid-19?

By |2022-07-19T18:20:31+00:00April 22, 2020|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, was quoted saying "If you are feeling helpless - help someone". I can't think of a more apt quote to help us get through current testing times. With a quarter of the world's population under some form of lock-down or quarantine, the media has been awash with news stories of Covid-19, struggles on front-line in multiple cities and towns, charities struggling to operate, the many [...]

Storm Over Paradise.

By |2022-07-19T18:20:31+00:00November 22, 2019|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

‘The wildebeest river is running dry; The animals' stampede through the Mara river is one of nature's most spectacular events. But now the watercourse is drying up, a sign of the damage being done to Africa's fragile eco-system.’  This was the title and an introductory statement by the Independent News dated 10th August 2009. This was indeed true, this was an ultimate response to the destruction of Kenya’s largest water reserve, the Mau [...]

Can the Propagation of Algae Help in Saving the Planet Earth?

By |2022-07-19T18:20:32+00:00November 21, 2019|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

A chance for the future or just a suggestion? According to several scientific publications, algae can replace fertilizer-intensive crops such as corn and soy as fillers in processed foods. Moreover, they can be used to produce biofuels and to feed farm animals and fish. Microalgae could be a key ally in facing climate change, but still few efforts have been made in this sector.

Behold, the Beauty of the Ocean Is Fading

By |2022-07-19T18:20:32+00:00November 19, 2019|Gone West, Meanwhile on Planet Earth...|

Are we destroying the essential ‘rainforest of the sea’? Corals reef harbor more than one-quarter of the ocean’s biodiversity, but they have been devastated by the high rate of greenhouse gases and by the increasing ocean acidification. In addition to the incalculable natural value, coral reefs also have a high economic value that has been estimated at 20 billion U.S. dollars.

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